Kevin Polito.....
Kevin Polito
is from St. Louis, Missouri 
and rides this beautiful Vulcan 1500 Classic.

Here is what Kevin has to say:

Here's a pic of my 1999 Vulcan 1500 Classic. I shot this at dusk in Kiener Plaza
in downtown St. Louis. In the background is the Old Courthouse and the Gateway
Arch. This captures my bike in my home town.

Kiener Plaza is the only place downtown with a centered view of the Arch that is
far enough away from the 630-foot-tall monument to fit the whole thing in the picture.

Needless to say, I had to set up and shoot fast to avoid having to explain to
the cops what I was doing with a motor vehicle in the middle of a pedestrian mall.

I ride with the local Southern Cruisers Riding Club chapter, which includes
several V-Stars, several Shadows, a Road Star, a BMW, and my Vulcan.

Kevin, that is a beautiful machine.......
I love the pic with the arch in the background......
you have a great eye for bikes and beautiful backgrounds....

I hope you will share your beautiful bike with the world...

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